Call for papers – Regulation and safety of complementary medicine and therapies

Call for papers – Regulation and safety of complementary medicine and therapies

Meet the Guest Editors Back to top Tamer Aboushanab, MBBCh, MD, Ministry of Health and Population,…

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The Power of Apple Cider Vinegar: Proper Dosages, Benefits and Safety Tips

The Power of Apple Cider Vinegar: Proper Dosages, Benefits and Safety Tips

By now, you’ve probably heard the claims that apple cider vinegar can help you lose weight…

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Herbal Medicines’ Safety and Clinical Application: New Strategies for Overcoming Therapeutic Challenges

Herbal Medicines’ Safety and Clinical Application: New Strategies for Overcoming Therapeutic Challenges

The use of herbal medicines is one of the oldest health practices, typically involving plants,…

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Homeopathy: Principles, Effectiveness, Safety

Homeopathy: Principles, Effectiveness, Safety

Homeopathy is a holistic medical practice that involves treating people with highly diluted substances to trigger…

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